Monday, May 25, 2009

New Camera.. any suggestions

Ok, so my hubby got me a cannon rebel last year... and I have to admit while it has been really nice to me I have not been as impresed by the pictures. I think maybe it has something to do with me :) LOL I was thinking of getting an extension lense and toys for the camera or just buying a new one.. I really like Nikon D5000 or any Nikon brand really. I really just want to get a toy or camera that captures the color and the moment in a split second. I love color and my camera is just plain :( I am so undecisive ahhh!! Does any one have any suggestion? It would be much appreciate before I make an expensive purchase :0

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Hola and welcome to my blog. Here you will find a little more about me and my fertility process. My wonderful husband and I have been married for 5 years, and every day I fall more in love with him. We began our baby making journey in 2010 and last year we began our IUI process, we have faith that one day we will be parents, and it will be the happiest days of our life's!.